1:08 Part1(英語→日本語)
12:13 Part2(日本語→英語)
I am?/私が?
Are you?/あなたはどう?
You ready?/準備はいい?
You think?/そう思う?
You ok?/大丈夫?
You do?/そうなの?
Anybody else?/他に誰かいる?
Guess what?/何だと思う?
About what?/何について?
what else?/他に何か?
What for?/何のために?
What happened??/何が起こったの?
Which one?/どれですか?
Is that better?/そのほうがいい?
You all right?/大丈夫かな?
Are you okay?/大丈夫?
Are you sure?/確かなの?
Are you kidding? /冗談でしょ?
Are you insane?/ばかじゃないの?
Got any advice?/何かアドバイスある?
Did you hear?/聞いてる?
What was that?/あれは何だったの?
What is it?/それはなんですか?
What’s this?/これはなんですか?
What’s up?/最近どう?
What about you?/あなたはどう?
What about this?/これはどうだろう?
What’s wrong?/どうしたの?
What’s different?/何が違うの?
Who was that?/あれは誰?
Who are they?/彼らは誰?
How’s this?/これはどう?
How many times?/何回目ですか?
Where you been?/どこへいってたの?
Is everything all right?/大丈夫ですか?
Isn’t he great?/彼はいい人でしょ?
Isn’t this amazing?/すごいと思わない?
Is there someone else?/他に誰かいる?
You really think so?/本当にそう思う?
You got a minute?/ちょっといいかな?
You got a job?/仕事が決まった?
Are you in trouble? /面倒なことになってるの?
Are you moving out?/引っ越すの?
Can you call back?/かけ直してもらえますか?
Can you stop yelling?/怒鳴るのやめてくれませんか?
Can you believe it?/信じられる?
Can we start over?/やり直せない?
May I help you?/ご用件は?
Where are you going?/どこに行くの?
When do you leave?/いつ出発するの?
What do you see?/何がみえる?
What’s the matter?/どうしたの?
what’s the problem?/何が問題なの?
What’s going on?/何が起こっているの?
What are you doing?/何してるの?
What are you wearing?/何着てるの?
What do you want?/何が望みなの?
What do you know?/何を知ってるの?
What does this mean?/これはどういう意味?
What did I say?/悪い事言った?
What can I do?/私にできることは?
How’s it going?/調子はどう?
How was the movie?/映画はどうだった?
How do I look?/似合う?
How you doing today? /今日はどうしますか?
How do you mean?/どういう意味?
How did that happen?/どうしてそうなったの?
How is that possible?/そんな事があるの?
How could I forget?/忘れるはずがないよ
How could you know?/どうして知ってるの?
Who are those people?/あの人たちは誰?
Have you seen it?/見た事ある?
Are you mad at me?/怒ってるの?
Do you have a plan?/計画はあるの?
Do you want any help?/手伝おうか?
Do you want to know?/知りたい?
Can I borrow the phone?/電話借りてもいい?
May I take your coat?/コートを預かりましょうか?
What’s the big deal?/何を大騒ぎしてるの?
What are you gonna do?/どうするつもり?
What are you gonna be?/何になるつもり?
What are you talking about? /何言ってんだよ
What are you getting at?/何が言いたいの?
What do we do now?/さてどうする?
What did you mean that?/どういう意味?
Would you let it go?/もういいでしょ
Will you watch my phone?/携帯みててくれる?
How do you do that?/どうやってやったの?
How did you know that?/どうしてそれを知ってるの?
How often does that happen?/よくあること?
How many do you want?/いくつ欲しい?
Tweets by sunafuki_kokugo
This video is made by Keynote.