Portraying yourself well | 英語リスニングテスト! Learn English with NATURAL American Accent! | J53

Portraying yourself well | 英語リスニングテスト! Learn English with NATURAL American Accent! | J53

Here’s our challenge to you:
💡If you can’t understand on the 1st try, that’s okay, try again! 👍 Don’t focus on the meaning, but focus on identifying individual words!
英語シャドーイング練習にもなる!American English Listening Challenge!
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And so, I don’t know, I think the most I try to do is represent a little more of that gray, uncertain area with the way I’m portraying myself and the way that I speak
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Don’t focus on the meaning, but focus on recognizing the sounds of words! Best of luck, English learner!
Viel Glück! 💪
आपको कामयाबी मिले! 🥳
파이팅 💥
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Original Source: https://youtu.be/LAdniuHNhsw
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